Mortar Plasticiser (5ltr)

Product no.: ADM01

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Mortar Admix is an air entraining plasticiser that replaces lime in the mix to provide an easy to work “butter like” consistency to the mortar and to prevent shrinkage, cracking and crazing during the setting process. For use in brick laying and plastering mortars. Provides a degree of frost resistance and long term resistance to freeze-thaw cycles when set. To BS 4887.

All Prices Exclude VAT which will be added at the check-out.


Product Note Status Price
280mm Brick Trowel 280mm Brick Trowel
£5.99 *
Frostproofer/ Rapid Hardner 5ltr Frostproofer/ Rapid Hardner 5ltr
£4.99 *
Mortar Plasticiser Concentrate Mortar Plasticiser Concentrate
£8.99 *
Concentrated Waterproofer Concentrated Waterproofer
£10.99 *
Builders Bucket Builders Bucket
£1.99 *
* Prices without VAT or delivery
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