Engineering Bricks for all applications. We stock Red and Blue perforated and solids. Class A - Class B.
Product no.: EN001
Class B Red Engineer. A smooth Red perforated engineering brick for suitable for many demanding situations. |
Product no.: KET01
Red Solid Class B Engineer Bricks 65mm. A smooth multi red engineer. Nice wall capping.
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Product no.: Blue Perf 1
Wienerberger Blue Facing Perforated Engineering Bricks. Ideal as a feature or DPC course in Walls or Capping Walls for frost protection.
Product no.: KE001
Terca/Wienerberger Blue Engineering Bricks (Solid). Quality and Durability from this Blue Engineering brick. |
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Product no.: HRRCS
Half Round Red SOLID Capping Brick CP1.2 Nice plain red Solid Half Round capping brick. A great finish to a traditional red brick wall. |
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Product no.: cradsc1
Blue Saddleback Capping Brick Perforated Version CP 2.2 Traditional Blue Saddleback capping brick from Cradley Specials. |
Product no.: cradsbc2
Blue Saddleback Capping Brick (solid) CP 2.2 Traditional Blue Saddleback capping in solid format.
Product no.: cradcb3
Red Saddleback Capping Brick (Perforated) CP 2.2 Traditional Red Saddleback capping in solid format.
Product no.: cradcb4
Red Saddleback Capping Brick (solid) CP 2.2 Traditional Red Saddleback capping in solid format.
Product no.: bnsf
Blue Bullnose Stetcher on Flat BN14.2 Another Bullnose special available from stock. Perfect detail. |
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Product no.: SBNO190
Red Single Bullnose Stetcher on Flat BN6.2 Another Bullnose special available from stock. Perfect detail. |
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Product no.: bnsf2
Red Bullnose Stetcher on Flat BN14.2 Another Bullnose special available from stock. Perfect detail. |
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Product no.: CT101
Creasing Tiles are available from stock to give your walling project protection and the finishing touch. |
Product no.: TS01
Teco Wall Starter. A superior Stainless Steel Wall Starter System for joining new walls to existing masonry. |
Product no.: SBL001
Brick Line High Viz. A budget 30mtr nylon brick line on spinning reel for ease of use. Nice and cheap. |
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